☽ Welcome to my internet nightmare. ☾ | one time i had to piss in a trashcan at my grandparents' house


this is where i bitch and moan.

in all honesty, i love complaining. i'd do it competitvely if it was possible.

read about it here; i never namedrop or post receipts for the sake of privacy.

#1 rule: i don't lie.



medical status going down the shitter once more. got better for a really long time but apparently my sleep habits are super not normal. our bf has commented for a while that we snore pretty loud and its getting worse. like, one time we went to a convention and kept our roomies awake one night with how loud we were snoring. lame as fuck. also the snoring may be the reason i'm so tired all the time? also have been notably waking up sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night and shaking while falling asleep way more than usual. on top of the sleep issues i've developed a random bit of eczema on both hands which is just majorly annoying.

i went to the doctor and she immediately ordered a sleep study which doesn't bode well, she says it sounds like sleep apnea. at 20 years old. go figure. at least if it's a diagnosis then it's something to work towards getting better, not a death sentence, etc. mild annoyance after mild annoyance. i'm gonna go play slime rancher or something.


wow, over full year since i got around to this, huh? no big, big updates on slime rancher, which is lame. but, best news is that all those annoying bastards that were giving me shit all those many moons ago have mostly dissipated into nothing. not as cool as them exploding into viscera but it's a close second i guess. inside issues are worse than they've ever been but it's not really my job to handle all that firsthand anymore (thanks 🛡)

oh yeah another big update: finally started masculinizing hrt. like five years late but better late than never ig? turned 20, in college, got our driver's license, bought a car and its in our name. lots of small shit sucks rn but i think its gonna be alright. trying to think positive during the peak depression months of winter.

also i super turbo need to clean up the code on this site LMFAOOOO


finally got slime rancher 2 and i am unironically feeling way better. shit's been really hard recently cuz of some real petty bitches. but slime game is keeping me sane. i actually bought it instead of pirating cuz i wanted to support monomi park. totally worth it. i normally hate early access cuz you run out of game to play really quickly or missing features just blare at you in the face but it's honestly so fun and i haven't seen any of that yet.


WOW THAT COULDN'T HAVE GONE WORSE. been so busy with the dumbass fall out from all that that i forgot to update here. anyways got lied to directly to my face and have had to deal with cleaning up the edges surrounding all that for a little while. even got contacted by one of his exes/our ex-"friend" and wow things were always way worse than we ever thought they were. kinda incredible. almost impressive.

now maybe we could stop having friends slowly reveal they're into literal illegal kinks that'd be great. three years of friendship down the drain. damn. might even have to get a restraining order now.


more stupid shit from stupid shit town. these people never seem to let up. lying to a 16 year old to look good when you're a grown adult? jesus christ. i wish everyone was as normal as the like three people i enjoy speaking to. even then, i get so socially exhausted so fast, it's mindnumbing to deal with anyone even mildly annoying. speaking of which: turns out we're going out to lunch with someone tomorrow. which is cool i guess. cool to get out of the house but this might go absolutely horribly wrong but i might just be being pessimistic.

also, literally a whole month until slime rancher 2 comes out. i'm so sad it's unreal.


ok so not gonna lie this week has been some of the most frustrating bullshit i've ever had to deal with on the pure virtue of a lack of communication between grown adults. like, holy shit. lots of internal issues, too. newbee kid has been... a little weird. about stuff. he's another fictive, he's kinda emotionally younger, so i don't really blame him for a lot of stuff but he's just. a little weird. overly attached to his source is all, i guess. same way john is. i'm not gonna lie, i kinda wish i was more attached to mine, but i'm literally barely in it at all. plus, cuz of recent events, i don't really want to think of some of the people from it. oops.